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November 14, 2019

If you’re ever wondering what kind of theatre Egg & Spoon strives to make: you’re looking at it. It’s right here in front of you. 

Zabelle came into existence because an artist had an idea. It’s that simple. It was an idea about something much larger than a play, much larger than herself. Sarineh Garapetian wanted to create a piece which would commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, a period of history about which not many students at Syracuse University knew. And without complaint, without ego, Sarineh saw that it was her duty to educate them. So she set out to do so…without any money.

You must understand, this is the core of what we do — the beating heart of this collective. We accept that our duty to create theatre is so much larger than a sold out opening night, expensive set pieces, or a round of applause. In accepting the responsibility to be a theatre maker, one is choosing a rite of passage. One that is tireless, pays nothing, but just might fill your soul and the souls of others who get the chance to experience your work.

 This is the beginning of a really important season at Egg & Spoon; our third season. In the spring, we are producing Jaclyn Backhaus’ wild retelling of Powell’s nineteenth century exploration of the Colorado River, Men on Boats, directed by Jillian Wipfler. Throughout the year, with the support of our brilliantly supportive new Board of Trustees, chaired by Samantha Feroce, we are developing and workshopping new plays, hosting Open Mic events, and more.

Getting the opportunity to bring Zabelle back to the stage, almost five years after it was created, with Leslie, Sarineh, Adam and this endlessly passionate cast and crew, makes me beyond proud to be a part of this collective. When you believe in something this much, like we believe in Zabelle, all the issues of the theatre melt away, and “story” becomes most important. 

Boy, do we have a story for you.

Artistic Director

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Without your generous support, our nonprofit organization wouldn't be able to continue the wacky and important work that we do. By donating to Egg & Spoon today, you are sponsoring the future of our company, the artists we collaborate with, and the larger art form.